Client Experience

Having Connor as my personal trainer is one of the greatest experiences I have ever had. I never came to a session and felt like I was just going through one of the sample session plans he had written a while ago. Every session felt unique to me and where I was that day. If something came up in one exercise he was quick to change directions to do something different that would be beneficial for me at that time. He saw where I was weak and gave me modifications so I could still work on the strength training while he gave me other exercises to work on improving my form. I left every session feeling like I had been positively pushed and that growth had taken place. Connor was also good about sharing with me the improvements he saw going on to help me realize how far I had come.
His interest in me served the foundation of giving me a positive feeling about the sessions. Even though he would push me and I would be working hard, I still went away enjoying the time I was with him. He was also very open to questions I had. Whenever I came with questions he not only answered them but made sure I understood the answer and how to apply it. I never felt like I shouldn’t have asked the question, but felt each one was well received by him.
Connor was also open to sharing what potential he saw in me. When he saw the potential that I had the heart that could benefit others in their fitness journeys he talked with me about the possibility of becoming a personal trainer myself. He was there beside me on that journey wanting to know how it was going for me and offering any help he could give me as I went through.
Anyone looking for a great personal trainer can find their desires met in Connor. He knows what he is doing, he knows the tools and different ways to work out, and comes with a caring heart really wanting to make a difference in your life. Taking Connor on as your trainer will positively change your life more than you can imagine.

I started working out with Connor Jan 2019. I was very overweight (250 lbs at my highest), unhealthy, scared, it was my 1000th try at losing weight. What made this time different was that 6 months before the day I met him I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. My entire world flipped upside down. I went through 6 months of depression before seeing my neurologist who told me to wipe my tears and work on the things I could control like my health. I drove straight to the gym that same day and met Connor. I had NO IDEA what I was doing. Connor NEVER judged me. He took me on without blinking an eye and told me we were going to work hard. And boy, did we!!!! I went from the girl who hid on the back treadmill wondering what everyone else was thinking about me to the girl who walks into the gym with a smile and all the confidence in the world!!! Connor showed me form, technique, tricks to the trade!!! I had done so many things wrong for so long and he helped me understand what fitness is REALLY about! I LOVE AND CRAVE it now!!! I ENJOY it. He made it so fun for me. It’s January 2021 and I am 120 lbs lighter and in the BEST shape of my life. I was a size 20 & now I am a size 4!! I feel 100% confident with Connor and I trust him with everything I have. The ONLY thing I can control with my life long disease is my health and I am SO FOREVER thankful for Connor. He changed my entire life. Not only is he my trainer, he is my forever friend. I look up to him and treasure his knowledge and skill set he has shown me. There is no turning back for me. I get stronger every week!! There is no stopping me now! Connor is the BEST at what he does. He tailors your workouts for YOU as you grow and progress. He’s involved in the entire workout and every day it’s different. You won’t be disappointed with your results with motivation & a willingness to work hard with him as your guide!!
– Ashley

My health was bad. I had metabolic syndrome, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high liver enzymes, high cholesterol. I had chronic back pain and I hurt nearly everyday. I couldn’t paint my toenails and I didn’t have energy to do much. I didn’t like pictures because I was usually the biggest girl.I tried diets and lots of things, but nothing seemed to work. My primary doctor said you need help and that’s when I went to Connor. I had always taken care of others, but never myself. At first I scheduled myself for one hour twice a week and just kept doing that and kept going, it was really rough at first, but I just kept going and eventually I noticed my life was starting to get a little bit easier. My lab work started looking better and better and my doctor said, “for the love of God, don’t stop anything you are doing.” I started sleeping better, I started enjoying workouts. Workouts started being my favorite part of the week. My life is not the same, all of my blood work is in normal range, I have lost 50 pounds from my highest weight, and I’m off my blood pressure medicine. I have no pain, I have energy to go all day, I feel good and I’m happy. I am so much stronger mentally and physically. My life is so much better, how do you even put a price on that. I know I did all the work, but Connor gave me a map and I couldn’t have followed it without him navigating it. I couldn’t get there on my own, he has been my motivator , my cheerleader, and my accountability. Connor will always be apart of my life story and I will forever be grateful.
– Lara

Connor made such a big impact on my life. When I first started working with Connor I had just finished physical therapy for my back. I had a bulging disc and a tear. He was recommended to me by one of my PTs and it was one of the best decision Ive made for myself. Connor helped me build muscle to stabilize my back. Along the way I came to him with questions about nutrition and fitness. He answered all my questions in detail. I have a much better understanding on what I should be eating, how much and how to address issues with mobility and pain. With his help I lost 25 pounds of body fat and was able to keep the muscle we built.
I have built healthy habits that I will hopefully keep for the rest of my life. Since working with Connor my confidence has gone up in and out of the gym , I started socializing more, and I look for fitness challenges to work towards. Overall I have a better out look on life and my future.
– Liz

If I could tell you all of the wonderful things about him, you would be reading for awhile. In just 6.5 months, Connor has helped me transform my life. I have been able to lose & maintain a 47 lb weight loss through diet & exercise. He has helped me greatly & dramatically reduce the amount of back pain I have had for 10+ years. My mental health has improved as well.
Connor is very observant & pays attention to detail. He has helped me with LOTS of mobility issues. If it doesn’t look right or feel right, we stop & work on movements or exercises that help those issues.
He is a wonderful encourager. He pushes you to become mentally & physically stronger. I have definitely stepped outside of my comfort zone & done things I never thought I would be able to do.
His workouts are geared to YOU & your fitness level. He pays attention to my strengths & weaknesses & helps to better those areas. He is devoted to helping you achieve overall wellness.
He has taught me so much about myself. I don’t think he will ever know how much I value him, his knowledge, & willingness to work with me. Connor, I hope you realize how many lives you touch & improve through your passion. Your dedication to helping improve your clients lives is insurmountable.

I’m not new to fitness but knew I needed a change and fresh approach to my health and fitness. Observing Connor with other clients I knew I wanted to meet with him and share my goals and health desires. After a free session I knew I wanted to work with Connor. His approach was to focus on mobility, strength and power. I learned how the body should move, rest and rehabilitate in order to function as efficiently as possible. I was able to increase my overall strength while losing 30lbs once I focused on eating the correct foods. Connor was everything and more as a trainer. I was impressed with his demeanor and approach to fitness and nutrition. Working with him for the past 1.5 years I’ve gained the experience and knowledge to accomplish my goals. I cannot thank you enough!
– Bryan

Connor has enabled me to make significant progress toward achieving my goals – gaining muscle mass, strength and learning the correct way to train. In my ~10 months with Connor, I have gone from 153lbs to 176lbs (23lbs), while gaining considerable muscle mass and strength. Connor is a great teacher and training with him has given me the confidence to train on my own, while being able to use the right exercises for the different muscle groups, correct postures and techniques.
Connor has the ability to understand the individual needs of his clients, and ensures that the training programs are structured accordingly, so individual goals can be met. He has a solid grasp on all aspects of health and wellbeing – proper training, nutrition and injury prevention (which is overlooked by many a lot of the times). Thanks Connor for helping me achieve a big step toward my long term health goals, and for the friendship!
– Nikhil

You have made a huge difference in my life, and I am very grateful to have been able to train with you! I loved training with you because you were very professional and knowledgeable. It wasn’t just about lifting weights, it was about doing it the right way to promote strength and prevent injury. You cared about and worked to improve my overall health and didn’t just focus on how much weight I could lift. I’ve learned a lot from you about how the body works, what outside factors affect my health, and performance, and what stretches and workouts work best for me. Since working out with you I sleep better, have more energy, and my endurance has improved. I know you’ll do great wherever you go, because you knowledge, training, and the way you interact with your clients is unmatched! I would definitely recommend you to anybody who wants to to make an investment to better themselves!

I watched Connor train several individuals including my son, who was recovering from meniscus surgery. I admired his unique approach to personal training. Soon, I decided to begin training with Connor myself. It was a great decision for my physical and emotional health.
A couple of years before I injured my hip running a half marathon. Connor was able to mobilize and strengthen my hip and initiate full body strength training. I found that Connor’s attention to mind and body wellness also helped me in my recovery from past trauma. Connor helped me to feel my body again, reconnect my brain to body, improve my digestive system, and develop my physical strength.
As I continue to recover, I take the principles I’ve learned and apply them to my workouts. I will forever be grateful for Connor and the skills he has been blessed with.

I’ve been working out with Connor for 8 months, and when I started my goal was to get more toned. Not only did we accomplish that , I feel I’m stronger than I’ve ever been along with being more self confident. I’m so grateful to have had a trainer that brought out the best in me. He has guided me through each workout with my health and safety being top priority. He pays attention to each detail of my workout and instructs me on even the most minute detail to get optimum results, always encouraging me along the way. Even scheduling my appointments was a simple process. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience than my time training with Connor. His knowledge, support, encouragement, and confidence in me has been more than I could have hoped for. I would recommend Connor for personal training to anyone, no matter their age or skill level.
– Nikki
I have a bone disorder that creates a lot of range of motion issues and chronic pain. Connor is able to customize each workout, each exercise, so that I get the most out of each exercise. I’ve always been afraid of working out, scared that I am gonna hurt more, and that hasn’t been the case. Connor has made me look forward to working out. I look forward to our sessions each week and knowing that the exercises we work on build core strength and muscle. Which will allow me to continue to do my jobs as a nurse and paramedic safely.
Also, Connor’s partner sessions allow my mom to be able to work out at the same time with me. This way she can focus on her overall health and mobility now so that she can be better off as she ages. Even though there are 2 people working out, Connor is able to make each exercise work to both our abilities and strength.
– Leah

I would like to tell you about my workout experience with Connor. I have learned something new from each one. When I started I had no flexibility at all. Since working with Connor on stretching and strengthening exercises my flexibility and strength have greatly improved. When my hamstring hurt he showed me what exercises to do to relieve the pain. When my back went out (I went to my session on a cane) he took the time to help me stretch and strengthen the area that hurt so I could walk again. Connor always is concerned about how I am doing but also pushes me enough to make me stronger.
– Lori

Nineteen months ago, I accidentally met Connor at Adams Memorial Hospital. I went into the gym merely to check out their machines and he asked me if I’d ever considered working with a trainer. One of the wiser decisions I have made was to train with him three times weekly for over a year and a half. I was motivated by my father’s failing health and his resistance to staying strong. I wanted to be able to get out of a chair by myself when I was 89! My biggest fear was hurting myself as I trained and, to my surprise, Connor kept that from happening. He accurately assessed my abilities to determine where to start and at what pace to proceed. Being a 64-year-old grandma, I didn’t have any idea how many results Connor could get out of me. Now I look back in absolute amazement at what I am able to do, both in the gym and in my daily life. My balance has improved dramatically along with my strength. Physical tasks do not intimidate me as before. I have learned the correct posturing to bend, lean, reach and squat so as not to injure myself. My husband has a 76-year-old non-ambulatory special needs sister to whom we render care. With my stronger body, I can pick her up with ease and have no fear of dropping her. ALL day, EVERY day, I have reminders of the benefits of strength-training: getting up off the floor, getting in and out of a truck bed, climbing over baby gates, carrying heavy loads, squatting to see the low shelves at the store, walking up steep inclines, gripping things better, and a greater ability to defend myself were the situation to present itself. I have read about aging and muscle loss and that has motivated me to fight the aging process, for to not fight it will guarantee muscle loss. Connor’s training has improved my life and I will be forever grateful for his work.
– Laurie

Thanks for being an awesome trainer. I appreciate most of all that you were concerned with my health and how my body was responding to the workouts. You always addressed any pain I had or tightness in any muscles I was experiencing before we would continue with the workout. I have more energy, sleep better, more flexible and have gained muscle. My goal is to stay stronger as I age and you addressed exactly what I needed/wanted.
– Kristy

I would highly recommend your services to anyone who has back or limb strengthening and pain release issues. Your patience and skills in accurately recognizing and carrying out the appropriate exercises made a huge difference in my mobility and overall wellness. Your follow through with precise recommendations on exercises that I could do on my own were also very helpful.
– John